Contact Hearne, but please know that there is no guarantee that we will be able to locate your order. Please provide the application, version, and operating system, as well as any names, organizations, PO's and serial numbers you may have so that we can try to search for the order in question.
For 9.0 or higher products, please note that the serial number is normally found in one of a few places:
- On a sticker on the box that the software came in.
- On the packing slip that came with the box.
- In the email that was sent when you purchased the product (assuming you provided us with your email address).
For 8.0 or lower products, please note that the serial number is normally found in one of a few places:
- On a sticker on the side of the box that the software came in. On the ReadMe First card (or product registration card) that came with the software.
- If the software is still installed somewhere, the splash screen that appears when you launch the product usually indicates the serial number or on Windows go to the Help menu and choose the About option - the splash screen that appears will provide the serial number - on the Mac choose the About option from the Apple menu while the product is active.
- Providing us with the serial number will increase the chances of determining the corresponding registration code. If you cannot find the serial number, please be sure to provide us with as many details as possible about the product and order.
Please note that if you are looking for the serial number AND registration code for software that you received with a chemistry text book that you purchased through a school store, and you did not register your purchase with us, it will not be possible to locate your specific codes. If you don't even have the serial number in this scenario, your best bet is to see if your bookstore will allow you to exchange the book and software for another copy.