Some useful development and debugging guidelines are:
1) Most importantly: Start with a small and simple model.
2) Add size and complexity slowly.
3) As you add each new complication to the model, test it to make sure the solution, and thus probably the model, make sense.
4) Use row names so output is easier to identify and connect to your model.
5) If you're not already using Lingo's set-based modeling capabilities then consider doing so. The set based approach allows you to isolate a model's data from it's equation/logical/mathematical structure., Set-based models are much easier to "scale up", debug, and maintain.
6) If you are using sets, click on: LINGO | Generate | Display model, to see model in explicit/scalar form.
7) Click on: LINGO | Options | Model Generator | Fixed var reduction | None to prevent LINGO from removing any trivial constraints, else generated output may be confusing.
8) Click on: LINGO | Debug to see which rows are causing infeasibilities.
9) Click on: LINGO | Options | Interface | Output level | Verbose to see as much information as possible.