The Survey System's Professional Edition can handle any type of question. It also adds sophisticated logic to the data entry or interviewing process.
The Survey System is the most complete software package available for working with survey questionnaires. This software is simple enough for occasional users, yet powerful and flexible enough for research professionals. Unlike spreadsheets or general purpose statistics packages, The Survey System was designed specifically for surveys.
The Survey System handles all types of questionnaires from simple comment cards to the most sophisticated telephone-based interviews. It takes you through all aspects of the survey process from designing and printing a questionnaire through producing professional quality tables and Graphics. You can easily enter and edit the data, spell check the text, calculate complex statistics and necessary sample sizes. We offer telephone sample management and multi-user network support. You can incorporate sound and graphic images into the interviewing process. You can even record respondents' answers in their own voices. This feature makes the most impressive research presentations ever!
What's new in version 12.0
Add a don't know choice to numeric questions
See question names in the Question to Edit window
Ask respondents to confirm that they really wish to leave a question unanswered
Calculate the total of the answers to a numeric question with one instruction
Display a confirmation pop-up when a user selects "other"
Pin answer choices to the top when randomizing
Repeat the previous instruction when adding logic
See question names when listing Questions
Web Surveys
Display questions in multiple columns
Change font sizes in the middle of question text when using responsive design
Set different widths for verbatim answer spaces when using responsive design
Exclude instructional questions and other specify verbatims when showing question numbers
Check that verbatim answers use a valid email format
Auto submit web survey pages after X seconds
Ask participants to confirm they wish to pick a choice such as "other"
Ask participants to confirm they do not wish to answer a question
Show up to 10 tables or charts in online dashboards
Use SSL/TLS when sending email invitations
Capture ratings by clicking on star images
Hide answer choices until a video has finished playing
Show the video player to the right of the question text
Show answer choice values in answer grid cells
Insert answers to multiple questions on end pages text and exit URLs
Call Window with Large Introductory Font
See answer choices when entering or editing quotas
Go back and forth when adding, editing and listing quotas
Edit the labels shown in the Call window
Add an interviewer comment question to web CATI surveys
Produce online quota reports
Edit completed interviews using web CATI
Include average duration of interviews on interviewer reports
Limit scheduling callbacks to a range of hours
Customize the over quota message presented to interviewers in desktop interviewing
Show phone numbers and other imported information throughout Web CATI surveys, just like desktop surveys
Panel Management
Include months since joining the panel in Participant and Sample Files to see if long-term panelists give different answers than new members
Select panel variables to include in Participant and Sample Files from a drop-down list
The Survey System's Professional Edition can handle any type of question. It also adds sophisticated logic to the data entry or interviewing process.
More Answer Choices
For multiple choice questions, the Professional Edition:
Category Rows can reflect either Totals or Net Totals of the individual answers. In other words, an individual who chooses two answers in the same category can be counted either as two responses or as one person
Large Numbers
For fill-in-the-blank questions, the Professional Edition:
Handles numbers up to 15 digits long
Gives Means, Totals, Standard Deviations, Standard Errors, t-tests, etc.
Shows up to 100 variables per table
These tables are ideal for questions where the answers are exact values, such as miles, tons, acres, dollars or other numeric units. The letters below the numbers in the following example show which groups of people gave answers that were significantly different from each other
Text Answers
The Professional Edition:
Records text answers
Classifies answers based on their content
Converts text answers to numeric data
Produces text reports classified by demographics and/or content
Performs word frequency counts and basic content analysis
Attractive reports can group the answers based on their content and/or by demographics. You can code text answers by searching them for key words or phrases. Where keyword coding is inappropriate, it can show each answer on the screen above a code sheet and let you pick the most appropriate codes. You can use the codes to group similar answers together in reports and as standard multiple choice data
Interviewing Logic
Creates automatic skip patterns (branching)
Randomises question and answer choice order
Shows images
Plays sound (if you have the Voice Capture Module)
Shows previous answers in the current question (piping)
Does computer-aided interviews (CATI, CAPI)
The Interview Style Data Entry feature that comes with the Basic Edition of The Survey System lacks some features needed for sophisticated telephone interviewing. The Professional Edition adds those features. These include automatic question skipping (e.g., if "No" to this question, skip to Question X), consistency checking, randomisation of the order in which a group of questions is asked, randomisation of the order in which answer choices are presented, checking that the sum of several answers equals a specified number, and more.
Using The Survey System for interviewing is one of the most efficient ways to collect and process questionnaire data. You do not have to do things twice, as you do with other systems. The same instructions you create for questions in an interview also produces tables and graphics in a report. Since the data is saved direct to disk there is no need to complete a paper questionnaire and then enter it manually.